by EYFS | Apr 23, 2019 | Reception, Whole School
The children in EYFS were extremely lucky to experience some very close encounters with some interesting visitors this Spring Term. A Ranger from ‘Crealy Adventure Park’ brought in some very unusual animals for the children to observe and compare. The...
by EYFS | Feb 12, 2019 | Reception, Whole School
EYFS opened its doors last week, inviting parents to join pupils and enjoy a range of maths activities.
by EYFS | Jul 5, 2018 | Reception, Whole School
The children in EYFS have been extremely excited this week. On Wednesday they discovered eggs in the EYFS area. They started to ask lots of questions and were puzzled as to where the eggs had come from. We then opened the eggs to find a baby dinosaur inside! The...
by EYFS | May 24, 2018 | Reception, Whole School
Our class bears, Fred and Ned disappeared a few weeks ago. They left a trail of clues for the children leading to a message in a bottle in the school pond. The children were extremely excited and keen to find out where Fred and Ned had disappeared to. They...
by EYFS | May 23, 2018 | Whole School
Wellbeing Week is all about promoting everybody’s mental health, physical health and sense of feeling safe, linked into the PSHE curriculum and crossing over many more subject areas! So far in Wellbeing Week we have started every day with ‘Wake and...
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