School Vision
School vision:
The primary focus of our curriculum is to Explore, Challenge and Learn. We ensure our lessons are based around the children’s questions and ideas by developing a dialogic curriculum, with pupil talk at its heart. More information about our curriculum, including overviews of our subjects, can be found here.
Respect, Care, Listen and Reflect
Reflection is a key part of our curriculum, with opportunities for pupils to reflect on their learning regularly planned into all curriculum areas. Children are also encouraged to reflect on their behaviour, and use this as an opportunity to repair and restore when things go wrong. We value the emotional wellbeing of our pupils, and ensure that ‘Emotional Logic’ is embedded in our curriculum and ethos. Our dialogic curriculum enables pupils to build the listening and talking skills which are the foundation for learning.
Explore, Challenge, Learn
Teaching and learning at Ottery St Mary is based on the National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6 and the Statutory Framework for our Foundation Stage children. Our curriculum development is designed to ensure coverage of key knowledge and skills whilst seeking opportunities to build memorable experiences. We make the most of our outdoor areas, including forest school for pupils from foundation stage to year 6. Our topics are exciting, with engaging hooks at the start and opportunities for celebration of work at the end. Children are encouraged to be curious explorers, to challenge themselves and to make the most of every learning opportunity.
Pupils at Ottery St Mary Primary are curious about their learning. Their questions and talk are at the heart of our curriculum. Topic based learning inspires their enquiries. Our pupils explore both their local community and communities around the world. In exploring their topics, our pupils ask questions and are able to be critical of the information they discover.
Pupils at Ottery St Mary Primary seek to challenge themselves. They have a determined and positive attitude to learning inside and outside of the classroom. Our curriculum includes opportunities for child led learning and ‘pupil choice’ outcomes for topics. When facing challenges in their learning, our pupils are resilient and know that a ‘growth mindset’ will help them to achieve their goals.
Pupils at Ottery St Mary are engaged in their learning. They are team players and use talk in their lessons to develop their questioning and find out more. They know when their learning shows they have been successful. Learning at Ottery St Mary Primary is creative and takes place in and out of the classroom. Pupils learn the skills they need to have healthy bodies and minds.