Useful Links

Devon Primary SCITT (School-Centred Initial Teacher Training)
We are proud to be a member of Devon Primary SCITT, a teacher training partnership made up of 50 schools throughout Devon. Since 2000, the partnership has been offering outstanding teacher training for 30-40 prospective primary school teachers each year. It is a school-centred programme, with trainees based in partner schools for the majority of the time on the 1 year course, supported by high quality central training leading to the award of a PGCE and qualified teacher status.
As one of the partner schools, we often have trainees in one or more of our classes, working alongside an experienced teacher to support and lead learning. If you have ever thought about training to be a teacher, and would like to find out more about doing so through Devon Primary SCITT, you can find more information at
There are a number of other useful websites that we can direct you to in order to help you find out more about the school and local area. We will review and update these on a regular basis.
Devon County Websites:
DISC is the family information service for Devon and provides lots of useful information on playgroups, child minders and other support for local families.
Devon County Council – Free school meals
If you are in receipt of certain benefits you may be entitled to free school meals. Since the introduction of the Pupil Premium, all maintained schools get a fixed amount of money for every child who is registered for free school meals (regardless of whether they take up the option of a free school meal each day). Click here to find out more about the pupil premium and how it is used to help the children in the school.
Devon County Council – Schools
Devon County Council – School admissions
Ofsted websites:
The Parent View page on the Ofsted website allows parents and carers to complete an online questionnaire about the school that their children attend. You will have to register with an email address to access the facility and complete a questionnaire although you can view any results at any time. Three questionnaire is the same one that Ofsted inspectors distribute to parents when they inspect a school and the information provides an extra layer of evidence about the school community.
Schools Financial Benckmarking Service:
Schools Financial Benchmarking homepage
Local Interest
The Otter Trail Campaign is working to promote healthy lifestylesand boost tourism through the development of a multi-use path running from Feniton to Ottery. They are working extremely hard to secure funding for this project. Their website contains lots of information about the project and its benefits as well as an online petition.
Ottery’s world famous Tar Barrels takes place every year on 5th November…
The Local Learning Community
We are part of the Ottery Local Learning Community which includes ourselves, Feniton Church of England Primary School, Payhembury Church of England Primary School, Tipton St John Church of England Primary School, West Hill Primary School and our local secondary school, The King’s School.
We meet regularly as a learning community and events are organised during the school year to allow the children to benefit from collaborative projects. These projects allow children throughout the school to meet children from other schools and take part in activities alongside them.
Special emphasis is given to children in Year 6 in the lead up to their transition to secondary school. In July each year, the Year 6 children spend a whole week at The King’s School while their children are engaged on projects and trips throughout Devon, the UK and Europe. It is called Project Week and gives the children a chance to get used to their new school and make new friends before the summer holidays.