Apple and Pumpkin day at West Town Farm

Apple and Pumpkin day at West Town Farm

The children in EYFS have been out and about again, this time visiting West Town Farm in Ide. We had a magnificent time, definitely a highlight of this half term. It was an extremely busy day which included seeing a calf, which was only a day old, feeding lambs,...

Meet the Sports Leaders

Once children reach Year 6, they have the opportunity to become a Sports Leader. We have eight Sports Leaders who regularly meet with Miss Witcombe and Mr Hughes to ensure the smooth running of P.E.. They also support the delivery of our inter-house and whole school...
Award Winners!

Award Winners!

We are excited to announce that our school has been awarded the Bronze School Games Award 2016-17.
Moving Mummies!

Moving Mummies!

In D&T this term we have really enjoyed designing and making Moving Mummies – just in time for Halloween! We planned our project carefully, we thought about who we were making our Moving Mummies for, what we wanted them ‘to do,’ how we wanted them to move...