Contact Us

Call Us

Tel: 01404 812977

Write to Us

Mrs Sarah Pearman
PA to Headteacher
Ottery St Mary Primary School
Longdogs Lane
Ottery St Mary
Devon EX11 1HY


Contact our SENCo
(Special Education Needs Co-ordinator)

Mrs Emily Monks
via the office or Email Mrs Monks

DPO (Data Protection Officer)

Mrs Sarah Pearman

Report an ABSENCE

For children absent from school, parents/carers should phone the absence line as soon as possible on the day of the absence on: 01404 815780, or email



Send us a message

General and non-urgent enquires can be sent to the school office at:



Governor contact

To contact our Chair of Governors, please email the Clerk to Governors who will forward it in confidence:

Use our Contact Form

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