Work Expectations
We realise that many parents may be keen to continue with formal learning for their children during the school closure. We have many resources to share which can support this, however the main priority for children during the coming weeks is to ensure they are able to read daily with an adult and to feel safe and reassured at home. Daily reading and taking care of our children’s mental wellbeing are the most important priorities. We are aware that much learning will now be online and that in the coming weeks you may be directed to many different websites. There will be some huge benefits to online learning, it will allow children opportunities to socialise safely, to keep up with their peers and to stay engaged with their learning. It is vital that, with an increase in usage of online tools, we remind our children to follow the SMART approach to online safety. Remember to check the websites and games your children are accessing through
It is also important to be aware that there is a lot of misinformation being shared online. Please check the reliability of any
articles or facts before you share them with others.

Learning Offline
Not all learning opportunities can be found online, and we will be sharing in the coming
weeks plenty of ideas for activities for you to try as a family. Please see attached our ‘20
fun things to try together’. We will also be sharing ideas for outdoor learning based on
some of the fantastic work from our forest school – watch out for information to come as
we are considering an exciting ‘outreach’ project for forest school learning during
the school closure. We understand that some families may find it difficult to access online
learning, if you feel you need further support with this please contact the office.

School Log-Ins
Your child already has access to some excellent online learning environments, with which
they should already be familiar. Children have been sent home with their passwords,
however if you need to access your child’s log in details, please email and we will endeavour to get the details to you as soon
as possible. The websites which our children have individual passwords for are as follows:
Times Table Rockstars
Numbots (accessed through the Times Table Rockstars login details)
Accelerated Reader
Purplemash (cross curricular learning)
There are also several websites which parents can log into with their own details or using
the school details:
Phonics Play (username: march20 password: home) for phonics games for EYFS and KS1 pupils.
Twinkl Offer activities for across the curriculum for all ages.
Real Play PE resources (the details for this website will be shared shortly)
We have also collated a list of helpful websites for parents, this list will certainly grow over
the coming weeks so don’t forget to check in. This can be found in the ‘helpful websites’
section of our parent hub.
Google Classroom / Tapestry
EYFS pupils will continue to use tapestry, and prompts for learning ideas and writing
activities will be shared through this platform. There will also be some paper resources to
support this in their book bags, although they are not essential to the learning.
Each year group in KS1 and KS2 has established a google classroom in order for the
teachers to share work and ideas during the school closure. This classroom will be updated
regularly by the teachers, and may include ideas for projects, ‘words of the day’, maths
puzzles and opportunities for creative writing.
Your child can access the google classroom by logging into their school google
account. This is the username and password they use to log onto our school chromebooks
and can be logged into via where they input their username
(firstnamesurname@otteryprimary) and password (year group colour followed by their
initials). They then need to visit and press the + symbol in the
right hand corner to join a class. They will be prompted to input a classroom code, the
classroom codes are as follows:
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
rvimyiz 4lvplzj k6zuxkp zhr6g4f 3hkwlb5 3sm75ix

We realise this is a lot to take on board, and we will send more information out during the
coming weeks. Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to continuing our
learning journey together, even if it is in an unprecedented and unusual way!

The team at Ottery St Mary Primary School