All about the Victorians!

Year 5 Home Learning Projects

Year 5 have responded with great enthusiasm to the open ended challenge their teachers set them- to research Victorian inventors and inventions and present their findings creatively through a medium of their choice.

These children have been chosen for star work because of the originality, creativity and level of detail within their projects.


  • Drew created an animated ‘Powtoon’ presentation which was very engaging and informative.
  • Bella created an interesting ‘mind map’ of Victorian life.
  • James and Erin both produced powerpoint presentations with excellent attention to detail.
  • Poppy made an excellent fact book all about the development of Victorian health and medicine.
  • Eve created a huge interactive poster.
  • George made a fantastic scrap book containing a range of inventions and inventors.

Poppy, James, Bella, Erin, Eve, Drew
Year 5

December 2017