Last week it was National Anti-Bullying Week.
Across the school there were lots of wonderful activities to raise awareness and opportunities for the children to discuss bullying. KS1 and KS2 assemblies focussed on anti-bullying and what different forms of bullying look like and where to go for help.
Here are some examples from EYFS where the children drew around their hands and the names of those people they felt they could talk to were scribed by an adult.
Year 1 discussed what bullying looked like and then what a good friend was. They drew around their hands and wrote what the characteristics of a good friend were.
Year 2 created a lovely display inspired by the artist Banksy. The children wrote what to do if they felt they were being bullying or they saw bullying happening.
Year 6 looked at different scenarios and discussed whether it was bullying or not. They then produced some fabulous posters to raise awareness of bullying.