Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
As the children enter year 2, they are moving into their last year group in Key stage one and will be taking on more responsibility to become independent learners and responsible for themselves and their own belongings.
Throughout the year, we will be learning about a wide variety of exciting and engaging topics.
Autumn term – The Great Fire of London and The Gun Powder Plot
Spring term – Compare and contrast our local area and Africa
Summer term – Kings, Queens, Knights and Castles. Under the sea.
We follow the Power Maths scheme allowing the children to develop their skills and confidence through investigation and discussion using lots of resources to support them. In Maths, the children will learn their numbers bonds to 20, count in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards and learn strategies for addition and subtraction. Examples of our approach to maths can be found in our Year 2 Calculation Policy
In English, we will look at a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts using the talk for writing model in which we will be learning, innovating and writing our own stories based on the structure.
We endeavour to create a broad and balanced curriculum which follows the theme of our topic using the arts, computing, science and PSHE.
The highlight of the year is our trip in the summer term to Plymouth Aquarium where we look at different habitats, how sea animals adapt to their environments and have fun!
Miss A Bamsey
Class 5 Teacher
Mrs J Donnithorne
Class 6 Teacher
Mr S Anderson
Mrs G Ilsley
Teaching Assistant
Mr A Eustace
Class 6 Teacher
Mrs P Hendy
PPA Cover Teacher
Mrs M Jackson
Teaching Assistant
Mrs P Norton
Teaching Assistant